Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mixed Martial Arts

Do you like to watch UFC, Pride or K-9? It has always been my favorite TV show, it’s just so interesting to watch! The match are just unpredictable and.. well, it’s just closer to reality than the regular martial art fighting! I’m so interested in MMA fighting that I want to learn MMA myself.. I decided to learn the king of MMA, the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.. You can find more information about BJJ everywhere on the internet and watch the fight.. I won’t talk about them since there’s just sooo much to talk when we are talking the correlation between BJJ with MMA..

It’s been months since I learned BJJ.. everything is fun, im really enjoying myself with the art, the teaching, the dojo, the teachers.. except with the uniform.. my uniform (gi) is just so uncomfortable! it’s so heavy yet it got torn easily and it’s just.. not comfortable.. (In BJJ, the gi is also considered as one of our “weapon” It’s a very vital weapon that can decide the result of the match) I have searched everywhere on the store in my town and all I found is the standard gi that I currently use.. More problem comes when I decided to enter an MMA tournament in my town, the tournament needs me to wear some MMA gears for protections like fight gloves, hand wraps, mouth guards, etc.. And I really just can’t find it any store on my town! Well, maybe martial art is just not as popular as football.. I can find many football gear specialist here yet I haven’t seen any store specializing in martial art gears here.. :(

Thank God one of my teacher there told me where to find martial art gears on the internet.. There I can find all those MMA gear that I need, and I’m just surprised when I take a look at the MMA gloves section.. it’s just great! the design is just so cool and.. how do I say it?.. all the items there looks so.. "Professional".. I think my favorite MMA fighter also wears the same item! Well, if you are also a martial artist like me, why don’t you come and take a look? You might get surprised with their collections :)

mixed martial arts

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Tai Chi - the missunderstood martial art

People may hear tai chi lots of time, but not many really understand about tai chi and the its hidden power. Tai chi is not just a sport or a relaxation moves, it's much more than that, read through this posting and you should know tai chi better. winking.

When the small tai chi master from China threw me to my basement floor, I realized the real power behind this misunderstood martial art. I laughed at how easily he threw me down. He laughed, too.

I stood up and we touched wrists again. I stepped at him and again found myself on the floor, looking at my carpet in a whole new way.

I was on the receiving end of a tai chi master's skill and power.

Centuries ago, Grandmaster Chen Xiaoxing's ancestor created tai chi. He visited my home for a week and I spent quality time finding out first-hand why so many people misunderstand this powerful martial art.

Tai Chi was not intended to be used in slow-motion by elderly people all over the world. Many martial artists call tai chi a "soft" art, but that's because real tai chi is rare in the United States. Every movement in tai chi is a self-defense technique.

The art was created in the 15th Century by Chen Wangting, a retired warrior in Henan Province, China. His family still practices it as a martial art. They say you have to "eat bitter" to develop tai chi skill. Real tai chi training, especially with the Chen family, involves pain.

The idea of tai chi is to break your attacker quickly and end the fight. Tai Chi is practiced in slow motion so students can develop the body mechanics and structure to deliver the self-defense techniques powerfully. To the average observer, tai chi appears relaxed and fluid. Underneath, the body structure gives it an iron-like strength.

I studied tai chi for a decade before being introduced to the real art, and I was stunned at its power. In the years since I began studying the Chen style, as my skill has increased, I've met many tai chi students who have been in the art for over 20 years but they don't know the proper way to move. Most teachers don't understand the "secrets" of the art. As a result, students don't learn real tai chi.

The real secret of tai chi and the "internal" arts of China is simple: these are physical skills that take years to develop. Too many teachers focus on developing "chi," a mysterious energy they claim is circulating through the body. Their students focus on chi and miss the body mechanics that can make them powerful.

This lesson was driven home to me in my basement as Grandmaster Chen kept throwing me to the floor while he remained relaxed. I began to realize what he was doing, and the subtle way he was making me lose just enough of my balance that I could be easily thrown. It was a valuable lesson. After he left my home, I was more determined than ever to keep practicing so I could develop higher-level skill in this very hard "soft" art.

Ken Gullette has been studying martial arts for 35 years. His instructional DVDs explore not just movements and techniques, but also the body mechanics that make the internal arts relaxed but powerful. His website is

taichi master

Friday, April 4, 2008

K-1 - The Seido Kaikan Karate Commercial Event

According to Wikipedia,
K-1 is a combat sport that combines stand up techniques from Muay Thai, Karate, Savate, San shou, Kickboxing and traditional Boxing to determine the single best stand-up fighter in the world (the "1").

And refered to non-official K1 site
K-1 Definition:
Martial arts competition: a sport in which competitors utilize standing techniques from sports such as karate, kick-boxing, kung fu, and tae kwon do to determine the world's strongest martial arts.

The sport was first formed by Kazuyoshi Ishii, a former Kyokushin karate practicioner who had formed his own organization, Seido-kaikan karate, in 1980. Seido-kaikan arranged several successful challenge events against other martial arts organizations, originally using rules based on the Kyokushin Knockdown karate rules, but gradually adapting and changing closer to kickboxing rules. In 1993 Mr. Ishii founded the K-1 organization exclusively as a kickboxing organization, closely cooperating with, but independent from Seido-kaikan.

Later K1 Competition Event also known to gave birth to big name such Andy Hug and Francisco Filho, who was first being popular in kyokushin atmosphere.

For now, Seido Kaikan's K1 is known as one of the most rich Martial Art Organization. The head structure of K1 Organization now taken by Sadaharu Tanigawa as The President and Nobuaki Kakuda as The Executive Producer.

FYI, Nobuaki Kakuda formerly known as one of the most popular referee in K1 Martial Art Competition. He also ever being a Contestant on the K- 1 event. One of the his most popular battle is between him againts Andy Hug, one of the Kyokushin and K-1 Legend. osu!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Gichin Funakoshi, Father of All Karate Style

If you see now, there's so many styles of karate practiced. But long before that, it was Gichin Funakoshi who is the real father of all karate, not even Matsutatsu Oyama. For your information Mas. Oyama himself studying Shotokan Karate style from Gichin Funakoshi, the father of karate, which is later make a Kyokushin Karate style.

Gichin Funakoshi was always saying: Karate ni sente nashi -There is no first attack in karate

Funakoshi-sensei is the man who introduced karate to Japan. In 1917 he was asked to perform his martial art at a physical education exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education. He was asked back again in 1922 for another exhibition. He was asked back a third time, but this was a special performance. He demonstrated his art for the emperor and the royal family! After this, Funakoshi-sensei decided to remain in Japan and teach and promote his art.

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Funakoshi's story is very similar to that of many great in Karate. He began as weak, sick, and in poor health, his parents brought him to Yasutsune Itosu for his Karate training together with Yasutsune Azato. Between his doctor, Tokashiki, who prescribed herbal remedies that would strengthen him, coupled with Azato's and Itosu's good instruction, Funakoshi soon blossomed. He became a good student with Arakaki and Sokon "Bushi" Matsumura as his other teachers, he developed expertise and a highly disciplined mind. Master Funakoshi recounts this part in a different way, while living with his grandparents he started attending primary school where he was classmate of Azato's son and received his first Karate instruction from Yasutsune (Ankoh) Azato.

Gichin Funakosi was born in Shuri, Okinawa in 1868. As a boy, he was trained by two famous masters of that time. Each trained him in a different Okinawan martial art. From Yatasune Azato he learned Shuri-te. From Yatsune Itosu, he learned Naha-te. It would be the melding of these two styles that would one day become Shotokan karate.

When he finally came to Japan, from Okinawa, in 1922, he stayed among his own people at the prefectural students’ dormitory at Suidobata, Tokyo. He lived in a small room beside the entrance and would clean the dormitory during the day when the students were in their classes and work erands as a gardener too. At night, he would teach them karate.

After a short time, he had earned sufficient means to open his first school in Meishojuku. Following this, his Shotokan in Mejiro was opened and he finally had a place from which he sent forth a variety of students, such as Takagi and Nakayama of Nippon Karate Kyokai, Yoshida of Takudai, Obata of Keio, Shigeru Egami from Waseda (his successor), Hironishi from Chuo, Noguchi of Waseda, and Hironori Ohtsuka (Otsuka).

It is known that in his travels in and around Japan, while giving demonstrations and lectures, Funakoshi always had Takeshi Shimoda, Yoshitaka (his son), Egami and Ohtsuka accompanying him. His main instructors in the thirties and forties were T. Shimoda and Y. Funakoshi.

Shimoda was apparently an expert from the Nen-ryu Kendo School, he also studied Ninjutsu, but he unluckily fell sick and died very young in 1934, after one of the exhibition tours. He was replaced by Gigo (Yoshitaka) Funakoshi, a man of excellent character, highly qualified technically. Shigeru Egami’s opinion is that there was nobody better qualified for taking over the teaching. Due to his youth and vigorous training methods (sometimes classified as brutally-strong training) immediate heirarchical conflicts arose with the older Ohtsuka Hironori.

Some actually say he was not able to take the hard training. What is clear is that he left the school to establish his own style, Wado-ryu (the Harmonious Way). It’s quite obvious that the name alludes to the conflict with Yoshitaka. Yoshitaka’s influence was very important for the future of Karate-do but once again death came very soon for Yoshitaka, dying at age 39 of a lifelong affliction (tuberculosis) in 1945.

The martial arts world in Japan, especially from the early Twenties and up to the early Forties, was an ultra-nationalist moment in history, and they looked down their noses at any art that was not pure, calling it a pagan and savage art. Funakoshi overcame this prejudice and finally gained formal recognition of Karate as one of the Japanese martial arts by 1941.

Needless to say, many karate clubs flourished on mainland Japan. In 1924, karate was introduced in Keio University as the first Karate Club others include: Chuo, Waseda (1930), Hosei, Tokyo University (1929) among others. Another club was established in Shichi-Tokudo, a barracks situated in a corner of the palace grounds.

Funakoshi visited the Shichi-Tokudo every other day to teach. One day, when Ohtsuka was teaching at the Shichi-Tokudo, a student, Kogura, from Keio University who had a san-dan degree (3rd-degree black belt) in kendo (Japanese fencing) and also a black belt in karate, took a sword and faced Ohtsuka. All the other students watched to see what would happen. They felt that no one could face the shinken (open blade) held by a kendo expert.

Ohtsuka calmly watched Kogura and the moment he made a move with his sword, Ohtsuka swept him off his feet. As this was unrehearsed, it attested to his skill. It also bore out Funakoshi’s philosophy that kata practice was more than sufficient in times of need, and just as importantly to Master Funakoshi’s great ability as a teacher and Karate technician.

In 1927, three men, Miki, Bo and Hirayama decided that kata practice was not enough and tried to introduce Jiyu kumite (free-fighting). They devised protective clothing and used kendo masks in their matches in order to utilize full contact. Funakoshi heard about these bouts and, when he could not discourage such attempts, which he considered belittling to the art of karate, he stopped visiting the Shichi-Tokudo. Neither Funakoshi nor Ohtsuka showed up ever again. It was after this event that Gichin Funakoshi prohibited sports sparring (the first competitions did not appear until after his death in 1958).

When Funakoshi came to mainland Japan, he taught 16 kata: 5 pinan, 3 naihanchi, kushanku dai, kushanku sho, seisan, patsai, wanshu, chinto, jutte and jion. He kept his students on the basic ones before they progressed to the more advanced forms. Actually at least 40 kata were included in the curriculum, these were later included in the limited edition but monumental work by Shigeru Egami “Karate-do for the Specialist”. The repetitious training that Master Funakoshi instituted paid back very well; his students went on to produce the most precise, exact type of karate taught anywhere.

Irrespective of his sincerity in teaching the art of true karate, Funakoshi was not without his detractors. His critics scorned his insistence on the kata and decried what they called “soft” karate that wasted too much time. Funakoshi insisted on hito-kata sanen (three years on one kata).

Funakoshi was a humble man. He preached and practiced an essential humility. He did not preach the humility of virtue, but a basic humility of a man who is rooted in the true perspective of things, full of life and awareness. He lived at peace with himself and with his fellow men.

He died in 1957 at age 89, after humbly making the largest contribution to the art of Karate-Do. Funakoshi sincerely believed it would take a lifetime to master a handful of kata and that sixteen would be enough. He chose the kata which were best suited for physical stress and self-defense, stubbornly clinging to his belief that karate was an art rather than a sport. To him, kata was karate.

Aside from creating Shotokan karate and introducing to Japan and the world, he also wrote the very book on the subject of karate, “Ryukyu Kempo: Karate-do”. He also wrote “Karate-Do Kyohan” - The Master Text, the “handbook” of Shotokan and he wrote his autobiography, “Karate-Do: My Way of Life”. These books and his art are a fitting legacy for this unassuming and gentle man.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kyokushin VS Tae Kwon Do

In the Kyokushin Versus Other Label, we gonna give you attractive video about kyokushin practioner fighting with other martial art practioner, that's why we call it Kyokushin Versus Other section.

The part I.
Kyokushin VS Tae Kwon DO

And how do you think about that? which one better? is it Kyokushin karate or Tae Kwon Do .Appreciate your comment

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kyokushin Karate in Video Games

"Kyokushin karate is one of the most influential martial art that ever used in video games figure"

Jin Kazama from Namco's Tekken series uses the art of Kyokushin Karate in Tekken 4, Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. He can be seen practicing Yantsu and pinan sono yon kata in various demonstration modes in the Tekken series.

Also some of Paul Phoenix's moves are derived from Kyokushin Karate. Kadonashi Shintaro from Namco's Urban Reign video game uses the art of Kyokushinkai. Hitomi from Tecmo's Dead or Alive series uses the art of Kyokushin Karate in Dead or Alive 3 and Dead or Alive 4. She can be seen practicing the kata Pinan Sono Yon in various demonstration modes in Dead or Alive 3 and Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. While Hitomi's style of karate is never explicitly stated in-game, the ending credits of Dead or Alive 3 indicate the only karate martial arts consultant for the game is a practitioner of Kyokushinkai.

Solara from Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects is said to practice Kyokushinkai.

Kyokugenryu Karate is a fictional martial art from SNK Playmore's Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series. Kyokugenryu (lit. 'the extreme style'), which is practiced by Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Yuri Sakazaki, Takuma Sakazaki and Marco Rodriguez/Khushnood Butt, is heavily based on Kyokushin Karate.
TAG: kyokushin karate in video games, kyokushin karate figure action, kyokushin karate video games figure, art of fighting, king of fighter, jin kazama kyokushin style.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kyokushin Karate Shihan Fujiwara Highlights Full Contact

fighting in the 2nd World Kyokushin Karate Tournament in Japan 1979, and in Mas Oyama's first North American World Kyokushin Championship in Fairfield, CT 1981. He was a student of Mas Oyama and S. Oyama and we were uchi deschi to Shihan Fujiwara in 1990's. OSU(upload by intromix)

Kyokushin vs Capoiera

Kyokushin vs Capoiera, enjoy :)

Ichigeki Kyokushin karate

Ichigeki Kyokushin karate, its a kind of subbrand in kyokushin karate, am i right? please do leave comment to correct me :)

Kenji Midori Kyokushin Karate Demostration

Kenji Midori Kyokushin Karate Demostration, kenji midori is the IKO2 former.

1st Kyokushin worldcup in 1977

1st Kyokushin worldcup in 1977, enjoy :)

Karate kyokushin basic training

This is the kyokushin basic training, we commonly do this every training, and we much call it kihon. :)

Kyokushin Karate Knockouts

compilation of many kyokushin karate knockout events , enjoy :)

Kenji Midori Kyokushin Karate Demostration

Kenji Midori Kyokushin Karate Demostration, enjoy :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ewerton Teixeira VS Tatsuya Murata | The 9th World Open Karate Tournament 2007

Fight between Ewerton Teixeira from Brazil againts Tatsuya Murata from Japan in 8 best The 9th World Open Karate Tournament 2007.

Brazil was pretty dominating the world open tournament in a few last years, in other side Japan team happen to have decreasing performace, since Japan golden team ,such as Ryu Narushima, Shoekei Matsui, Hajime Kazumi, Kenji Midori has passed over.

TAG: Ewerto Teixeira VS Tatsuya Murata, Teixeira karate, Murata Karate,The 9th World Open Karate Tournament 2007 8 Best, Japanese kyokushin, Brazilian Kyokushin.

Ewerton Teixeira VS Nurmagamed Mamedov | The 9th World Open Karate Tournament 2007

Fights between Ewerton Teixeira, from Brazil VS Nurmagamed Mamedov, from Russia in The 9th World Open Karate Tournament 2007.

For your information, Ewerton Teixeira, later, being The 9th World Open Karate Tournament champion. Fighting Jan Sekoup from Cezh Republick.

TAG: Ewerton Teixeira, Nurmagamed Mamedov, Brazilian Kyokushin karate, Russian Kyokushin Karate, Ewerton Teixeira VS Nurmagamed Mamedov, The 9th World Open Karate Tournament 2007, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting.

Lechi Kurbanov VS Ewerton Teixeira | 2005 IKO Kyokushin World Weight Final

The famous fight between Ewerton Teixeira and Lechi Kurbanov in IKO Kyokushin World Weight Final in 2005. Ewerton Texeira, later, being the 9th World Kyokushin Open Tournament champion this 2008, in other side Lechi Kurbanov get the best tamashiwari title.

TAG: Ewerton Teixeira VS Lechi Kurbanov, russian kyokushin, Brazilian Kyokushin, 2005 IKO Kyokushin World Weight Final, WKTO, WKOT, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lechi Kurbanov VS Ilia Karpenko | 9th World Kyokushin Open Tournament (WKOT)

Fights between Lechi Kurbanov and Ilia Karpenko (russian team) in 9TH world Karate Kyokushin Tournament. Nov 18th 2007 Japan.

Unfortunately, Kurbanov's way was stopped by Ewerton Texeira in the 9th World Karate Kyokushin Tournament. hes ( Texeira) later being the 9th World karate kyokushin tournament champion.

TAG: lechi kurbanov, russian kyokushin, russian tema world kyokushin tournament, ilia karpenko, indonesia kyokushin karate, karate tournament, kyokushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting.

Lechi Kurbanov VS Hristo Hristov

Fight between Lechi Kurbanov, the famous kyokushin fighter, and Hristo Hristov.This one of the most shocking knockout of IX World Championship done by the KO-master Lechi Kurbanov. enjoy.

terrific move isn't it?

Lechi Kurbanov VS Big Fam

Fight between Lechi Kurbanov, the well known russian kyokushin fighter, and Big Fam , Big postured K-1 fighter. The fight held in K-1 arena but following Kyokuishin rules. Heres we can see Lechi Kurbanov famous KO move, jump-round-high-kick, or in japese called jodan mawashi tobi geri.

Please also read Lechi Kurbanov profile for further information. (you can find it on "Label" menu in the right sidebar)

TAG: lechi kurbanov VS K-1 fighter, Lechi Kurbanov VS Big Fam, ichigeki kyokushin, russian kyokushin, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Lechi Kurbanov - The Though Russian Wall

Lechi Kurbanov

Lechi Kurbanov being a world-well known kyokushin fighter after finishing in 5th position in the 8th World Tournament(IKO 1) 2003.
He was well know for his ibreakable spirit and his awesome strenght.
He also famous as a kyokushin KO artist, with his unpredictable powerful strike.
His special move is jodan mawashi tobi geri ( round high jump kick) wich oftenly make his opponent fall down.

This is the Record of Lechi Kurbanov:
-8th World Tournament (IKO 1) 2003 - 5th
-3rd World Weight Tournament (IKO 1) 2005 – 2nd
-All Japan Weight Tournament (IKO 1) 2002 - 1st
-Americas Cup 2002 - 2nd
-European Championships (IKO 1) 2001* - 1st
-European Championships (IKO 1) 1999* - 3rd
-European Cup 2002 - 1st
-Russian Open 2002* - 2nd
-2nd World Team Cup 2002 - 2nd
-the best tamashiwari - in 9 th world kyokushin open tournament
*=as Heavyweight

In my personal opinion, he fight very well in 9th WKOT(World kyokushin open tournament), with his inbreakable spirit, and extraordinary strengt. But, unfortunately, he met with the number 1 fighter at that time, ewerton texeira, who has a bigger posture than him. Though, he keep showing us a remarkable osu spirit, and fight like a winner.

Please see my Lechi Kurbanov's fight clip collection, which collected from many source.

TAG: lechi kurbanov, russian kyokushin, est europe kyokushin, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Andy Hug VS Ademir de Costa

Fight between well known kyokushin legendary fighter Andy Hug (RIP) and brazilian famous kyokushin fighter, Ademir de Costa.

Rest in Peace sensei Andy Hug. osu!

TAG: Andy Hug, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Andy Hug vs Changphuak Kiatsongrit

Fight clip between The well know kyokushin legend Andy Hug and well known Muay Thai fighter Changphuak Kiatsongrit. They fight in K-1 arena, and at that time Andy Hug still using kyokushin karate uniform(dogi).

TAG: Andy Hug VS Changpuak Kiatsongrit, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Akiyoshi Matsui VS Andy Hug 1983 World Open Tournament Final

The fight between two best kyokushin karate fighter, between Andy "the blue eyed samurai" Hug and Akiyoshi "unparalleled genius" Matsui ( also known as Shokei Matsui). This was one of the most memorable match in kyokushin for many kyokushin and martial art lover.

Both of them is my kyokushin idol figure, and i respect them so much as my senpai and sensei. osu !

TAG: Andy Hug VS Shokei Matsui, Andy Hug, Akiyoshi Shokei Matsui, World open Final, Kyokushin best fight, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Akiyoshi Shokei Matsui 100 man kumite

Akiyoshi (Shokei) Matsui succeeded in winning the All Japan Championships in the consecutive years of 1985 and 1986 and then successfully completed the ultimate Kyokushin challenge, the "100 Man Kumite" in record time. In Japan, he became known as a man of "unparalleled genius", someone who comes along but once in a n eon. In 1987, he became the youngest ever, Champion of the World.

The hundred-man kumite might well be seen as the ultimate test of physical and mental perseverance in Martial Arts, or for that matter, many other sports today. In essence, the exercise consists of 2-minute rounds of kumite with 100 opponents, preferably a different one for each round.

TAG: shokei matsui, 100 man kumite, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Akiyoshi (Shokei) Matsui Fight Clip Highlight

Akiyoshi (Shokei) Matsui started Kyokushin Karate at age 13. In 1976, he joined the Kita Nagare-Yama Dojo in Chiba prefecture and managed to achieve the first level of Black Belt in a little over one year.

In 1980, he placed fourth in the 12th All Japan Open Karate Championships, when he was just 17. Soon after, he became Chief Instructor of the International Kyokushin Headquarters school ("Honbu" Dojo) located in Tokyo. Both in 1981 and 1982, he took 3rd Place in the All Japan Open Karate Championships and then 8th place at the same event in 1983. At the Third World Open Karate Tournament in 1984, he took a remarkable 3rd place and became famous worldwide for his amazing sprit, strength and determination. He succeeded in winning the All Japan Championships in the consecutive years of 1985 and 1986 and then successfully completed the ultimate Kyokushin challenge, the "100 Man Kumite" in record time. In Japan, he became known as a man of "unparalleled genius", someone who comes along but once in a n eon. In 1987, he became the youngest ever, Champion of the World.

note : video by daisukey
TAG: Akiyoshi Shokei Matsui, Kancho Matsui, the youngest world open champion, Shokei Matsui Highlight, Kancho Matsui fight clip video, kyokushin honbu, 100 man kumite, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hajime Kazumi VS Kenji Yamaki | Kyokushin Karate - 1994 All Japan Final,

The clip is taken from Kyokushin Karate - 1994 All Japan Final, between two honourable fighter named Hajime Kazumi and Kenji Yamaki. Both have finish the one-hundred-kumite-test.

Kenji Yamaki was the winner of the 1995 World Championships. He did his the 100-kumite-test at the same time as Francisco Filho did. His results were:

ippon gachi (fullpoint) 22
waza ari/yusei gachi (half point) 61
hiki wake (draw) 12
make (losses) 5


TAG: Hajime Kazumi VS Kenji Yamaki, the hundred man kumite test, Kenji Yamaki, Francisco Filho hundred kumite test, All Japan Final Tournament, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting

Hajime Kazumi Fight clips Highlight

This is the higlight video clip of one of the kyokushin legends, Hajime Kazumi. Hajime Kazumi is one of Kyokushin's most decorated fighters. At twenty years of age Kazumi overcame many top fighters to reach the final of the All Japan Tournament. Since then Kazumi has never finished outside of the top two in a tournament.

FYI, Hajime Kazumi also one of the small number person who had passed a-100-man-kumite-test, the thoughest one test in kyokushin karate, that even many great name cant pass through the a-100-man-kumite-test.

Hajime Kazumi completed his 100 man kumite at the new IKO(1) Honbu. Results were obtained from the official IKO(1) site and are as follows:
Results 58 wins, 42 draws, no losses.
Ippons: 16 (Ippon: 2, Awase-Ippon: 14), Wins by decision: 42 (Waza-ari: 15)

Note:The hundred-man kumite might well be seen as the ultimate test of physical and mental perseverance in Martial Arts, or for that matter, many other sports today. In essence, the exercise consists of 2-minute rounds of kumite with 100 opponents, preferably a different one for each round.

TAG: the hundred man kumite, Hajime Kazumi fight clips, Hajime Kazumi training, Hajime Kazumi VS Francisco Filho, All Japan Tournament, Kyokushin karate, koykushin karate, karate school training, martial art video, K-1, MMA video, karate uniform, karate workout, shotokan karate, seido kaikan karate, karate fighting